Staff Publications

Dr. Chan book

Dr. Mable CHAN (editor) - Perspectives on Teaching Workplace English in the 21st Century, Routledge, 2023.

Publication Dr. Wakefield Intonational-morphology

Prof. John WAKEFIELD - Intonational Morphology, Springer, 2020.

Publication Dr. Wakefield Cantonese as a Second Language

Prof. John WAKEFIELD (editor) - Cantonese as a Second Language: Issues, Experiences and Suggestions for Teaching and Learning, Routledge, 2019.

Publication Prof. Wee phonological tone

Prof. Lian-Hee WEE - Phonological Tone, Cambridge, 2019.

winnie_chor (8)

Dr. Winnie CHOR - Directional Particles in Cantonese: Form, function, and grammaticalization, John Benjamin, 2018.

Publication Prof. Wee cultural conflict

Prof. Lian-Hee WEE (editor, with Vinton POON and Jason S POLLEY) - Cultural Conflict in Hong Kong: Angles on a Coherent Imaginary. Palgrave, 2018.

Publication Prof. Wee capturing-phonological-shades-within-and-across-languages

Prof. Lian-Hee WEE (editor, with Yuchau E HSIAO) - Capturing Phonological Shades Within and Across Languages, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.

Publication Prof. Wee language-and-linguistics

Prof. Lian-Hee WEE (editor, with Yuchau E HSIAO) - Language and Linguistics, special issue on Theoretical Aspects of Chinese Phonology. Vol. 16.6 (October). Sage Publications, 2015.

Publication Prof. Wee reality-exploration-and-discovery1

Prof. Lian-Hee WEE (editor, with Linda UYECHI) - Reality Exploration and Discovery: Pattern Interaction in Language and Life, CSLI Publications, 2009.

Publication Prof. Wee interfaces-in-chinese-phonology1

Prof. Lian-Hee WEE (editor, with Yuchau HSIAO, Huichuan HSU and Dah-an HO) - Interfaces in Chinese Phonology: Festschrift in Honor of Matthew CHEN on his 70th Birthday. Monograph series no. W8, Language and Linguistics. Taiwan: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, 2008.

Publication Prof. Wee tianjin-tone-sandhi

Prof. Lian-Hee WEE (with YAN Xiuhong and Matthew CHEN) - 《疑难与路向——论天津方言的连读变调》Tianjin Tone Sandhi: a final report. In Chinese. Beijing Commercial Press, 2005.

Publication Prof. Wee hakka-tone-sandhi

Prof. Lian-Hee WEE (with Matthew CHEN and YAN Xiuhong) - Hakka Tone Sandhi – Corpus and analytical challenges. Journal of Chinese Linguistics Monograph Series No. 21. In English and Chinese, University of California, Berkeley, 2004.