Contrastive phonology (English/Cantonese/Mandarin/other languages)
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2023LIU BolinThe Perceptual Distinctiveness of the [n-l] Contrasts in Different Vowel and Tonal ContextsDr. Mingxing LI
2012ZHANG YiA corpus study of the interaction of the aspect marker LE with different Chinese syntactic structuresDr. Suying YANG
2010QIN ChuanThe perception and production of English vowel contrasts by Vietnamese speakers Dr. Lian-hee WEE
2008LAM Wai KinRealization of [th] in Hong Kong English Dr. Lian-hee WEE
2001CHENG Siu KeiThe interlanguage phonology of Hong Kong speakers of MandarinDr. Tony HUNG
2001CHAU Ho FaiMandarin loanword phonology: an optimality theory approachDr. Tony HUNG
1999THOM Wing Yee香港粵語音變的個案式研究 – 以-ng音變為-n為例 (A Case Study on Sound Change in Cantonese – With the Mispronunciation of –ng as –n as an Example)Mr. FAN Kwok
1997CHOI Ming ChuPossibilities beyond the fifty-three traditional Cantonese finalsDr. Edmund ANDERSON
1994LAM Kin Ping香港廣州話變調調查研究 (A study of tone change in Hong Kong Cantonese)Prof. Alain PEYRAUBE
Contrastive syntax and semantics
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2015OU JialiOn the semantics of the Chinese modal adverb youDr. Suying YANG
2010JIANG YingAn Analysis of Syntactic Structures and Semantic Features of De-construction in ChineseDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
2010CHEN RuiA Corpus-based comparison between semantic and pragmatic features of English aspect marker –ing and Chinese aspect markers –Zhe and ZaiDr. Suying YANG
2003CHAN Lai KwanThe acquisition of the English article system by Hong Kong secondary studentsDr. Suying YANG
1999CHANG Che HoThe Similarities and Differences Between Semantic and Syntactic Features of Mandarin Imperfective Aspect Marker “Zhe” (著) and Cantonese Imperfective Aspect Marker “Jyuh” (住)Dr. Suying YANG
1998CHAN Hoi FungA contrastive study in Cantonese and English modality by analyzing the modal auxiliary: ho yi 可以Dr. Tony HUNG
1997SUEN Lee WaThe similarities and differences between semantic and syntactic features of Mandarin perfective aspect marker LE and Cantonese perfective aspect marker JODr. Suying YANG
1995HO Moon Tim古漢語被動式的發展及其在《大藏經》部份魏晉六朝佛典中的表現 (Certain syntactic structures in late Han Buddhist texts)Mr. FAN Kwok
Language and Music
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2020ZHAO KaixinThe role of melisma in language-music interface in Zuoquan folk songsProf. Lian-Hee WEE
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2023SHEN XinleiReduplication Tone Sandhi in Chongqing Mandarin: An Optimality Theoretic AnalysisProf. Lian-Hee WEE
2023SHEN XinleiReduplication Tone Sandhi in Chongqing Mandarin: An Optimality Theoretic AnalysisProf. Lian-Hee WEE
2023SHEN XinleiReduplication Tone Sandhi in Chongqing Mandarin: An Optimality Theoretic AnalysisProf. Lian-Hee WEE
2023SHEN XinleiReduplication Tone Sandhi in Chongqing Mandarin: An Optimality Theoretic AnalysisProf. Lian-Hee WEE
2023SHEN XinleiReduplication Tone Sandhi in Chongqing Mandarin: An Optimality Theoretic AnalysisProf. Lian-Hee WEE
2020TAM Nga Wing OlivaExpletive Epenthesis in Hong Kong CantoneseProf. Lian-Hee WEE
Studies of Cantonese grammar/lexis
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2024POON Ka Lok ThomasThe Acceptability of Adjective and Verb Reduplication in CantoneseDr. Mingxing LI
2011WONG Man WaiThe use of Chinese abbreviations in Hong Kong: Analysis with an optimality theory Dr. Lian-hee WEE
2001HUNG Chi PanThe interactions of verbs and aspectual markers in the Cantonese aspectual systemDr. Sui-sang MOK
2000LEE CindyTopic particles in CantoneseDr. Sui-sang MOK
1999WONG Ping Wai粵語與格結構的被動句 (The Passivization of Cantonese Dative Construction)Dr. Yue-yuan HUANG
1999LAU Tai HoThe Cantonese Utterance Particle “JE”Dr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1999CHAN Yick MeiThe Functions and Occurrence Patterns of Aspect Markers JO, GWO, GAN, JYUH in Cantonese Narrative DiscourseDr. Suying YANG
1998HUI Yee MeiUtterance particles in Hong Kong Cantonese – Discourse markers for intonation units in the flow of informationDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1998YIM Chau YinThe interaction of viewpoint aspect and situation aspect in CantoneseDr. Suying YANG
1998LI Yuen LeeThe use of the utterance particle NE in Cantonese speech – Quantitative, positional and functional considerationsDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1997CHAN Lai ManThe acquisition of aspect markers by Cantonese-speaking children in Hong KongDr. Suying YANG
1997FU Siu Kit粵語口語親屬稱謂的聲調變化 (Tone changes of Chinese kinship terms in spoken Cantonese)Dr. Yue-yuan HUANG
1996LAW Yin WahThe dative construction in Hong Kong CantoneseDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1996CHU Mee YeeThe utterance particle “ja” in spoken and written CantoneseDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1996CHAN Sai WingLanguage acquisition of Cantonese sentence final particles by a bilingual childDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
1995OR King PingCantonese syntactic construction involving patient frontingDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1994NG Siu ManSyntactic change in Hong Kong Cantonese: A study on the influence of PutonghuaDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
Vocabulary studies
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2005NG Wan YiA linguistic analysis of puns in advertisements in Hong KongDr. Suying YANG
Bilingual education and Bilingualism
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2005TO Ka PuiL1 maintenance in an L2 environment: The interaction of social-network ties and language choice among the minority students in Hong KongProf. John GIBBONS
2004CHAN Hiu NamExploring the language use habits of Hong Kong secondary students: An analysis of some schools of different bandingsDr. John GIBBONS
2004WAN Shuk WunAnalysis of speaking tasks in a Hong Kong primary school textbookDr. Cynthia LEE
2003NG Wai YeeHow are linguistic gaps bridged in the content-based, kindergarten classroom? A case study of focus on form in the pre-school contextDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
2000NG Shiu MayThe system of diphthongs in the interlanguage phonology of young educated Hong Kong speakers of EnglishDr. Tony HUNG
1999LAM Chi KeiCode Mixing in the Spoken and Written Discourse of Mass Media in Hong KongProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
1999LOW Wai ManCode-mixing Users in Hong KongDr. Dan-huai LU
1998LAW Wai FunNegative transfer in Chinese students’ acquisition of EnglishDr. Tony HUNG
1997CHAN Siu LingMixed-code in Hong Kong: A hypothesis and a descriptionDr. Edmund ANDERSON
1995LAU Hui YuenCode-switching from Cantonese to modern standard Chinese: A study of primary pupils in Hong KongDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
1995CHUI Hung FunThe Chinese linguistic codes in Hong Kong - A case of bilinguality in the classroomDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
Interactional functions of language (verbal/non-verbal language use)
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2015LI BeiA contrastive analysis of Mandarin prosody in service-oriented and non-service oriented attitudinal spontaneous speechDr. John WAKEFIELD
2015ZHAO PeiA comparative study on reporting the incident of parallel traders in two newspapers in Hong KongDr. Phoenix LAM
2015CHI WanjunA study on Hong Kong celebrities’ interviews – how they achieve cohesion and coherence in their answers and the ideological differences between male and female celebritiesDr. Vinton POON
2014WANG JingtianLinguistic patterns of code switching in Mainland ChinaDr. Dan-huai LU
2010XIA LiExploring the understanding of culture specific body language among Chinese learners of EnglishProf. Kathleen AHRENS
2010PAN Lili青少年網絡社交語言分析--社會語言學視野(Youngsters' social language on the Website: A view from sociolinguistics)Dr. Dan-huai LU
2007MAK Kit LingCross-cultural Pragmatics: A Study of Chinese and Western Children's Use of Requests and ApologiesDr. Hans LADEGAARD
2004CHAN Hok KanThe role of e-mail messages in the chain of communication and use of language in e-mails among colleagues in a secondary school settingDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
2003CHAN Lai YeeIntercultural communication: Exploring first encounters between Hong Kong Chinese and North AmericansDr. Cynthia LEE
2003YEUNG Kit YukManagement of interpersonal relationships in Cantonese personal advertisementsDr. Kenneth KONG
2003HO Chung KwongMaking requests: How Cantonese speakers of English demonstrate politenessDr. Cynthia LEE
2003CHAN Sau YeeOn the Gender-related use of the particles ‘ho’ and ‘wo’ in CantoneseDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
2003NG Pak HoiGender differences of conversational interaction in radio programmesDr. Kenneth KONG
2002LEUNG Po YingAn analysis of interaction between a pupil and a guidance teacher in the helping processDr. Edmund ANDERSON
2002YIP Tsz YanHong Kong teacher-student communication in politeness theoriesDr. Cynthia LEE
2001KWOK Pak WingCommunication strategies for email at workDr. Cynthia LEE
2001YIP Shuk YeeThe communication of Hong Kong adolescents among friendsDr. Edmund ANDERSON
2000CHAN Cheuk FongThe socio-cultural functions of written code alternation in Hong KongDr. Suying YANG
1999TAI Chin TongSilence in the ClassroomDr. Edmund ANDERSON
1996CHOW Lai ChunA study of communication in a textile quality management services companyProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
1996HO Shun ChiExploring intercultural miscommunication language contact and conflict in a Hong Kong officeDr. Dan-huai LU
1995THAM Sheon Ming"Sorry. I'm so busy that I carelessly spilt some oyster sauce on you." : the uses of apologies among a group of bilingual speakers in Hong KongDr. Kenneth ROSE
1995HSI Sau ChingConflict management strategies engaged by a forum host in a public forum in Hong KongDr. Evangelos AFENDRAS
1995LAI Ping WahA study of the main character's speech transformation in the Cantonese movie - "The Great Lover"Dr. Evangelos AFENDRAS
1994YIP Yuet LingLanguage persuasion in Hong KongProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
1994NG Tzi SanManagement strategies in contact situations: A study of talk among speakers of Italian from different culturesProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
Language contact
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2017TAI Ka KitKongish as a linguistic varietyDr. Vinton POON
2006CHUNG Wing YuHong Kong adult learners' attitudes toward Putonghua in post-colonial timesDr. Dan-huai LU
2001WONG Wai HouA study of the English language attitudes of new immigrants from mainland China and returnees from English speaking countries in Hong KongDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
2001POON Wai YinEnglish influence on Chinese lexicon and syntax: transference and translationese in an selected text related to information technologyProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
2000TO Kit YiTerminological problems and management for internet language professionals in Hong KongProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
2000CHIU Ka ManTerminology management issue approach to standardization : an an@lysis [i.e. analysis] of Chinese IT terminology problems in Hong KongProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
1998WONG Yin YeeTopicalization in English writing of form four studentsDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
1998WONG Suet YeeLanguage attitude of Hong Kong native Cantonese speakers towards mainland-dialect-accented CantoneseDr. Edmund ANDERSON
1996YEUNG Wai HanA study on the pronunciation of Hong Kong English: a variety of EnglishProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
1996HO Man YeeSome aspects of the phonological features of English spoken by school-age Indians in Hong KongProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
Language policy issues
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2020LO Pui Ka JoanThe Effects of PMI schooling and other socio/psycholinguistic factors on the production of Mandarin consonants by Hong Kong Cantonese speakersDr. Janice WONG
2006FONG Yiu TungChinese language policy in Singapore : how it reflects the government's goals of economic development and multiculturalismProf. Tony HUNG
2000TANG Kin CheungDominance of the Chinese language in the courts of Hong Kong: A hundred-year goalProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
1997WAN Choi SuenA study of the problems in promoting wider use of Chinese in the Hong Kong governmentProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
1996LAU Yung“A survey of language use, language needs, and language requirement of Hong Kong Cantonese-speaking reporters”Prof. Bjorn JERNUDD
1996PANG Yuk LinEnglish learning in bilingual school settings: A perspective of a few secondary school in Hong KongDr. Dan-huai LU
1995YAU Kwok KwongLanguage survey on changes in the use of Cantonese, Putonghua & English in post-1997 Hong Kong by accountants: An exercise in speculative forecastingProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
1995WUT Sau WanEducation Commission report (ECR) no. 4 and the decolonization of Hong Kong's language policyProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
1994LI Siu ChungThe impact of colonialism on the design of the Chinese language curriculum in Hong Kong secondary schools: A historical surveyProf. Alain PEYRAUBE
Conversation analysis
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2024ZHAO PujingA Study of Discourse Markers “Xiànzài”, “Ránhòu” and “Huítóu” in Mandarin ChineseDr. Winnie Chor
Critical Discourse Analysis
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2024ZHANG HanxuA Critical Metaphor Analysis of the Representations of AI in Online News Articles in Mainland ChinaDr. Winnie Chor
2022ZHOU ShenyanCritical Discourse Analysis of the Representations of Foreign Domestic Workers in South China Morning Post During the COVID-19 PandemicDr. Winne CHOR
Genre analysis
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2016HU Yi GangCritical discourse analysis of keynote addresses delivered by Barack Obama and Xi JinpingDr. Vinton POON
2015YIP Wai ChiIdentity matters in politics: A corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis on the blogs of Hong Kong Chief ExecutiveDr. Kenneth KONG
2014KE LanA discourse analysis of the British Prime Ministerial Debate on the basis of appraisal theoryDr. Vinton POON
2014KWAN Yu HangAssessing pre-service teaching practicum: A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of field experience supervision formsDr. Phoenix LAM
2010WANG XiaolinExploration into nominalization in English and Chinese news reports of economic issuesDr. Cynthia LEE
2008FOUNG Kin WaiA critical discourse analysis of political speechesDr. Hans LADEGAARD
2008WONG Pui ShanA study of the text-image relations of health warnings on cigarette packets and their effectiveness among university studentsDr. Kenneth KONG
2007TSANG Hing YiuThe Structure & Pressure Tactics of Internet Charity Organizations' AdvertisementsDr. Kenneth KONG
2005WONG Sin ManWords that won the war: A linguistic analysis of Second World War postersDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
2005CHIU Sau WanAn analysis of the humor in political comic strips in Hong Kong newspapersDr. Cynthia LEE
2005TANG Yan HingAn analysis of figure improvement advertisements for different target genders on printed mattersDr. Kenneth KONG
2005TONG Mei YeeAn analysis of Chinese and English editorialsDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
2004LO Yiu ChuenComparison of the forms of language used in the columns of HK Economic Journal「信報」and the Oriental「東方日報」in February 1992 and February 2002Dr. Kenneth KONG
2004WONG So SaiMake sacrifice a blessing: a genre analysis of appeal letters concerning cost savingDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
2003MAK On TatDiscourse analysis on an online advertisement on skincareDr. Suying YANG
2002LAM Fung MingA contrastive structural analysis of Chinese and English newspapers of a collapsing building accidentDr. Kenneth KONG
2002TAM Fung YiGenre analysis of the reading passages in two series of textbooks used in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of ChinaProf. William LITTLEWOOD
2002TANG Wing YiuA discourse description of hard news and its follow-up stories - A case studyDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
2001NG Shuet NganThe function of direct quotations as an evaluative device in personal profilesDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
2001LAU Lai LaiThe argument structure of fund-raising textsDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
2000LEE Chi WaiFund-raising texts: A discourse description of two appeal letters and two leafletsDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1999LEE Suk FunA Study of the Discourse of PamphletsProf. William LITTLEWOOD
1999HUI Ngo SzeGenre Analysis of English and Chinese Interview Articles in “Quality & Management”Prof. Bjorn JERNUDD
1999LEE Yik FungThe Discourse of Advertisements in Hong Kong MagazinesDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1998LEUNG Hoi YanA genre analysis study of abstracts in journal research articlesDr. Asha TICKOO
1998CHAN Shui LingA study of the written discourse of the Chinese advertisements in printed matters in Hong KongDr. Asha TICKOO
1997LEUNG Yuen PikGenre analysis of tenancy agreements of a chain store in Hong KongDr. Asha TICKOO
1997TANG Wai KuenAn analysis of the genre of a standard listing documentation of a multinational accounting firm in Hong KongProf. Mohsen GHADESSY
1996HO Mei FungA cross-cultural analysis of the organization of English and Chinese textsDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1995SUM Kit MingA study of the discourse of advertisements: The Cantonese advertisements on television in Hong KongDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1995CHEUNG Ching YiA comparison of business correspondence writing conducted in two contexts: The classroom and the workplaceProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
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2015KOBAYASHI KaoruPoliteness strategies in an intrcultural communication – A case study of a Japanese person in Hong KongDr. Vinton POON
2013YANG YilongThe analysis of interpersonal meaning of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign speeches in 2012Dr. Phoenix LAM
2012SHUM Wai LanThe (IM) politeness of disagreements in Hong Kong internet online forumsDr. Cynthia LEE
Register variation
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2013CHENG Ho FaiA discourse analysis of identity construction among foreign domestic helpers in Hong KongProf. Hans LADEGAARD
2007LEUNG Sau PingAn analysis of 'banking and finance' job advertisements in newspapers for different targeted readers: 'trainees' and 'professionals'Dr. Hiroko ITAKURA
2003LAW Yee WahThe study of register differentiation of two types of press text: Opinion article & feature newsMr. FAN Kwok
2003LOUIE Ka Ying性別語言分析—張愛玲《半生緣》的男女對話 (Gender discourse analysis on the mixed-sex conversations of Zhanghai-ling’s novel Half Life Love)Mr. FAN Kwok
2002NG Kok ManA comparison of the language use in sport writing: soccer and golf newsDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
2002CHIANG Chi MengA contrastive analysis of English and Chinese headlines of Hong Kong local news storiesMr. FAN Kwok
2002LEUNG Yiu HungBona to Vada Your Dolly Old Eke! A case study of the differences of English use between homosexual and heterosexual people in written discourseDr. Edmund ANDERSON
1999TSE Yee WanDiscourse analysis of lesbian and gay male dating advertisementsDr. Edmund ANDERSON
1999LEUNG Siu WaiA World Apart or Two Sides of the Same Coin: Exploring Speaking and Writing in Hong KongDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1998SO Fung MingFunctional analysis of quotations in Chinese newspapersDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1998CHEUNG Ho MingAn analysis of three letter types in relation to field, tenor and mode of discourseProf. Mohsen GHADESSY
1998LEUNG Ho SzeA functional analysis of the language of film reviewsProf. Mohsen GHADESSY
1998WONG Kwok YinFunctions of Cheng-Yu in newspaper's special columnsDr. Edmund ANDERSON
1997TAN Man WaiLexical signalling of notions of solution in the problem-solution discourse contextDr. Edmund ANDERSON
1996WONG Mei MeiContrastive text analysis : Chinese and English newspaper accounts of fire accidentsDr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ
1996HO Wai ChingThe English spoken and written narratives of Cantonese speakersDr. Kenneth ROSE
1995WOO Yuen YingOral and written media coverage of mundane news in Hong Kong: a case study of a fire incidentDr. Evangelos AFENDRAS
1994CHOW Yee Ling電台現場足球評述之廣州話動詞分析 (An analysis of the use of verbs in a Cantonese football radio commentary)Mr. FAN Kwok
Speech act
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2014KONG Man SzeThe use of apology strategies in public apologies: A comparison between Chinese and EnglishDr. Vinton POON
2013WANG JiayanA study of speech acts in U.S. presidential candidateDr. John WAKEFIELD
2012LIN ChaoSpeech acts in context: Chinese University students' use of apology and compliment strategies in Engish and ChineseProf. Hans LADEGAARD
Classroom interaction (English)
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2007CHAN Ka YanA comparative study on how an American and a Chinese teacher use language to handle pre-schoolers with disruptive behaviourDr. Cynthia LEE
2006CHOI Wai FongThe effectiveness of teacher feedback in improving accuracy in ESL student writingDr. Cynthia LEE
2004KOO Shuk YinCollaborative learning: its effects on students’ perceptions of classroom English learning in a secondary schoolProf. William LITTLEWOOD
1996NG Lai SumA study of the language of the tertiary students carrying out task-based group workProf. Mohsen GHADESSY
1994TSANG Shuk KuenAn analysis of teacher-pupil interaction in ESL classroom with reference to native speaking and non-native speaking teachersDr. Kenneth ROSE
1994CHAN Sui PingOrganization of teacher/pupil discourse in a communicative language classroomDr. Nancy LEE
Classroom teaching methods (English)
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2017CHEUNG Chu LimWhat are student and teacher perspectives on motivation at an undergraduate university in Hong Kong?Dr. Vinton POON
2007CHAN Wai LinComparison of the Effectiveness of Implicit Learning and Explicit Learning of a Report Writing in Hong Kong Tertiary InstitutionDr. Elizabeth BANKOWSKI
2004YIP Lai PingComparing the effectiveness of different task types (information gap tasks and decision making tasks) on the promotion of second language acquisitionDr. Cynthia LEE
2004LAW So ChiEffectiveness of bottom-up discourse approach on teaching of writing  through a picture story: a case studyDr. Kenneth KONG
2004YEUNG Yin MuiThe effectiveness of idea generating to improve students’ writing at junior secondary levelDr. Elizabeth BANKOWSKI
2004CHAN Yuet YingThe effects of deductive and inductive approaches on the acquisition of grammatical structures in second language: The case of the passive voice among secondary two students in Hong KongDr. Tony HUNG
2003CHOW Ee WayeThe application of cooperative learning in a remedial classroom in Hong Kong : a case studyDr. Elizabeth BANKOWSKI
2003WONG Mei WanNative and non-native English teachers: A study of their teaching of grammarDr. Dan-huai LU
2002LEUNG Shan MuiThe use of praise and humour in ESL classrooms by native speaking teachers (NS) and non-native speaking Chinese teachers of English (NNS): A cross-cultural comparative study in the Hong Kong contextDr. Cynthia LEE
2000TSUNG Lai FunTeaching writing in a primary school using the process approach: A case studyDr. Cynthia LEE
2000LAM Lit MingProcess approach to teaching writing: A case studyDr. Cynthia LEE
1997FUNG Siu PikWhat is the relationship between vocabulary teaching methods and vocabulary learningProf. Mohsen GHADESSY
1996CHEUNG Wai KwanIncorporating genre analysis into the teaching of ESP - A pedagogical studyDr. Nancy LEE
Classroom teaching methods (Putonghua)
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2001CHAN Yuen WanThe effect of teaching Chinese to Hong Kong students through PutonghuaDr. Dan-huai LU
2001FUNG Wai YeeA study of the effects of task-based learning on the development of communicative competence of Putonghua in a primary classMr. FAN Kwok
1997TSE Chun MuiTone development of Hong Kong Cantonese-speaking teenagers in learning PutonghuaDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
Error analysis (English)
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2010LEUNG So ChingA study on the use of tense in English writing of Hong Kong form five studentsDr. Dan-huai LU
2007CHAN Ching LinUnderstanding error types of Chinese bi-syllable word recognition made by Hong Kong dyslexic studentsDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
2004MOK Yee ManWhat is revealed through errors? A study of Hong Kong primary ESL learnersDr. Dan-huai LU
2002LEUNG Ying WoonClassroom interaction and teachers' beliefs in second language teaching: A case study of four EMI and CMI secondary school L2 teachers in Hong KongMr. FAN Kwok
2002LEE Wai ChingError analysis of the written work produced by the undergraudates from PRC, Taiwan and Hong KongDr. Tony HUNG
2002CHAN Suk OiA cross-sectional study of syntactic errors in English composition by ESL students in Hong Kong: Aspects of negative transferDr. Suying YANG
1999WONG Sau SheungAn Error Analysis of English Compositions by Hong Kong Junior Secondary StudentsDr. Tony HUNG
Language Acquisition
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2015WOLFAARDT Jacobus FrancoisHong Kong primary school children’s second language acquisition: The impact of Filipina domestic workersProf. Hans LADEGAARD
2014CONG YanThe second language acquisition of the Mandarin potential complement constructionDr. John WAKEFIELD
Learner language analysis
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2005LI Chi Fai/v/'s realization in Hong Kong English interlanguageDr. Jette HANSEN
2004LAU Wan SheungComparisons on the production of word-final voiced obstruents in English by Hong Kong born students and Mandarin ChineseDr. Jette HANSEN
2004TAM Yuen PikThe use of English ‘be’ and ‘have’ in the Interlanguage of Hong Kong primary school studentsDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
2004LAM Ngai Wai[l] / [n] Alternation in Hong Kong EnglishDr. Tony HUNG
2004YANG Siu KuenThe deletion of final stops in coda clusters in Hong Kong EnglishDr. Tony HUNG
Learning motivation & attitudes (English)
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2009CHENG Chi LapA study of the use of computer games to support teenage students in self-learning of English as a second language in Hong KongDr. Elizabeth BANKOWSKI
2004LAU Foon KwanA study of language anxiety and motivational intensity in learning English as a second language in Hong Kong secondary schoolDr. Suying YANG
2004CHAN Man Fei‘Learning to learn’ in reality: an investigation of the fostering of learner autonomy in the English classrooms in Hong Kong secondary schoolsDr. Elizabeth BANKOWSKI
2004CHIU Chak KwanA comparative study of motivation for learning English in CMI and EMI classesProf. William LITTLEWOOD
2003LIU Yuk PuiAn investigation of the sources of language anxiety caused to students at the Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) and its linkage with their oral performancesDr. John GIBBONS
2003LEUNG Woon ChingLanguage problems experienced by S.4 students during the change from CMI to EMI in a secondary school in Hong KongDr. John GIBBONS
2002CHAN Chi HangA comparative study of the language learning anxiety and occupational aspiration of high proficiency students and low proficiency students studying at the Institute of Vocational Education (IVE)Prof. William LITTLEWOOD
2002LI Kit ShanIntroducing cooperative learning in the Hong Kong primary English classroomDr. Dan-huai LU
2002WONG Ming HarMotivation and English attainment: A comparative study of newly arrived Hong Kong students and locally born Hong Kong studentsDr. Suying YANG
2001CHENG Sau CheeThe English language attitudes of students with behavioural problems in Hong KongProf. William LITTLEWOOD
2000LUNG Kit MuiA study of how the socio-economic status of the family influences the reading interests of junior EFL students in Hong KongDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
2000CHAN Tat WahA case study on the motivational pattern of learning ESL in S.W.C.S. Chan Pak Sha School – In application to self access learningDr. Edmund ANDERSON
1999YIM Wai YeeLearning Anxiety over Learning Effects: A Case in Hong KongDr. Dan-huai LU
1999LEE Chi WahMotivation and Learning Strategies of Successful and Unsuccessful EFL Learners in Hong Kong Primary SchoolsDr. Suying YANG
1998WONG Bik FunStudents' attitudes toward the expatriate teachers schemeDr. Dan-huai LU
1998CHENG Mei LingAn analysis of social & psychological factors in learning English as a second language in Hong KongDr. Dan-huai LU
Learning motivation & attitudes (Putonghua)
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2002CHAN Yuk MeiWhat is needed by Hong Kong students? A study of the learner needs, the market needs, and the Putonghua curriculumDr. Dan-huai LU
2002CHEUNG Chui Shan1997年後香港學生對普通話態度的研究調查 (Hong Kong students' attitudes towards Putonghua after 1997)Dr. Dan-huai LU
1997AU YEUNG Yin YeeLanguage attitudes of Hong Kong youngsters towards PutonghuaDr. Dan-huai LU
Learning strategies (English)
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2003CHOW Ka PoThe learning of spelling among Hong Kong secondary studentsDr. Edmund ANDERSON
2003LEE Moon ChiVocabulary learning strategies of EFL learners: A study of the Hong Kong secondary school studentsDr. Elizabeth BANKOWSKI
2001NG Wai ChunUnknown words: L2 learners' handling strategiesDr. Dan-huai LU
2001TAM Mei HingMetacognitive awareness and reading strategies of students in a vocational collegeProf. William LITTLEWOOD
2000LAM Yuet NgoLearning through English medium instruction in Hong Kong: A case study of five secondary one studentsMr. FAN Kwok
2000CHAU Kit YeeThe reading strategies used by Hong Kong CMI senior form students and a reading package to develop reading strategiesProf. William LITTLEWOOD
1999LEE Ching ManEnglish Language Learning Strategies of High and Low Proficiency EFL Learners: A Perspective of Four Secondary Schools in Hong KongProf. William LITTLEWOOD
1999YEH Wai ManStudents' perspection of communicative language teaching : a study of the effects of oral communicative activities in a post-secondary EFL classroomDr. Cynthia LEE
1997CHAN Wai KwanA study of the effects of the Hong Kong extensive reading scheme in English for secondary schools (ERS) on secondary two studentsDr. Christy LAO
1996CHUI Mei WaiA comparison of English reading comprehension abilities of secondary students in Hong Kong and TaiwanDr. Yue-yuan HUANG
1996NG Mei LanAn investigation of language learning strategies in Hong KongProf. Bjorn JERNUDD
1996LEUNG Yuen FatA study of factors contributing to reading difficulty for Hong Kong studentsDr. Christy LAO
1996YAU Kwai FongA think-aloud protocol analysis of the reading strategies of six non-native English learners’ reading in EnglishDr. Christy LAO
1996CHAN Pui YuBackground knowledge in story retellingProf. Mohsen GHADESSY
Materials analysis & design (Chinese)
Completed inStudent NameTopicSupervisorLink to Dissertation
2003NG Mei HanLearner preferences of activity types – A case study in a Chinese-medium secondary school in Hong KongProf. William LITTLEWOOD
1996LEE Chi Man廣義修辭在中六中文科實用文之敎材設計 (Stylistics and non-linguistic context features in the design of teaching material for the practical writing in the sixth form Chinese Language and Culture subject)Mr. FAN Kwok
Materials analysis & design (English)
Completed inStudent NameTopicSupervisorLink to Dissertation
2000YIP Pui LinA content analysis of English language teaching (ELT) textbook blurbs: Implications for the ELT community in Hong KongDr. Cynthia LEE
2000IP Lai FunTask-based learning in Hong Kong – A study of the textbooks used in Hong KongProf. William LITTLEWOOD
1996NG Poh EanA critical evaluation of the Vocational English Teaching Materials Project (VETMP)Prof. Mohsen GHADESSY
1995MA Wan HingPreparing instructional materials for students of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in a technical instituteProf. Mohsen GHADESSY
Materials analysis & design (Putonghua)
Completed inStudent NameTopicSupervisorLink to Dissertation
2000HO Choi Lin香港中學普通話教學情況調查及教材分析 (The investigation of Putonghua teaching in Hong Kong secondary schools and the analysis of Putonghua textbooks)Dr. Yue-yuan HUANG
Second language development
Completed inStudent NameTopicSupervisorLink to Dissertation
2012KUNG Shui ManLanguage maintenance of language shift? A study of South Asian ethnic minorities' Chinese language learning in Hong KongDr. Dan-huai LU
2008PUN Fung LinMeasuring second language writing development of primary students in Hong KongDr. Dan-huai LU
2008HO Shuk ManA comparison of L2 learners' interlanguage performance on apologizing in terms of ageDr. Suying YANG
2007CHUNG Sin YiInstructional intervention and the learning of request acts: An exploratory study on secondary one studentsDr. Cynthia LEE
Teacher education (English)
Completed inStudent NameTopicSupervisorLink to Dissertation
2003HO Sai MingA study on the roles of English panel chairpersons in the management of curriculum developments and innovations in English language teaching in secondary schools of Hong KongDr. Edmund ANDERSON
2000CHAN Wai TszA study on Hong Kong primary English teachers' general beliefs and teaching practice in teaching English pronunciationDr. Dan-huai LU
1996CHENG Lai FongSecondary school English language teachers’ perception of the communicative language teaching in Hong KongDr. Nancy LEE
1994POW Kar PoWhat is missing in the Jigsaw Puzzle? (An examination of the professional training of Hong Kong teachers and their perception of communicative language teaching)Dr. Kenneth ROSE