2016 | HU Yi Gang | Critical discourse analysis of keynote addresses delivered by Barack Obama and Xi Jinping | Dr. Vinton POON | |
2015 | YIP Wai Chi | Identity matters in politics: A corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis on the blogs of Hong Kong Chief Executive | Dr. Kenneth KONG | |
2014 | KE Lan | A discourse analysis of the British Prime Ministerial Debate on the basis of appraisal theory | Dr. Vinton POON | |
2014 | KWAN Yu Hang | Assessing pre-service teaching practicum: A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of field experience supervision forms | Dr. Phoenix LAM | |
2010 | WANG Xiaolin | Exploration into nominalization in English and Chinese news reports of economic issues | Dr. Cynthia LEE | |
2008 | FOUNG Kin Wai | A critical discourse analysis of political speeches | Dr. Hans LADEGAARD | |
2008 | WONG Pui Shan | A study of the text-image relations of health warnings on cigarette packets and their effectiveness among university students | Dr. Kenneth KONG | |
2007 | TSANG Hing Yiu | The Structure & Pressure Tactics of Internet Charity Organizations' Advertisements | Dr. Kenneth KONG | |
2005 | WONG Sin Man | Words that won the war: A linguistic analysis of Second World War posters | Dr. Yue-yuan HUANG | |
2005 | CHIU Sau Wan | An analysis of the humor in political comic strips in Hong Kong newspapers | Dr. Cynthia LEE | |
2005 | TANG Yan Hing | An analysis of figure improvement advertisements for different target genders on printed matters | Dr. Kenneth KONG | |
2005 | TONG Mei Yee | An analysis of Chinese and English editorials | Dr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ | |
2004 | LO Yiu Chuen | Comparison of the forms of language used in the columns of HK Economic Journal「信報」and the Oriental「東方日報」in February 1992 and February 2002 | Dr. Kenneth KONG | |
2004 | WONG So Sai | Make sacrifice a blessing: a genre analysis of appeal letters concerning cost saving | Dr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ | |
2003 | MAK On Tat | Discourse analysis on an online advertisement on skincare | Dr. Suying YANG | |
2002 | LAM Fung Ming | A contrastive structural analysis of Chinese and English newspapers of a collapsing building accident | Dr. Kenneth KONG | |
2002 | TAM Fung Yi | Genre analysis of the reading passages in two series of textbooks used in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China | Prof. William LITTLEWOOD | |
2002 | TANG Wing Yiu | A discourse description of hard news and its follow-up stories - A case study | Dr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ | |
2001 | NG Shuet Ngan | The function of direct quotations as an evaluative device in personal profiles | Dr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ | |
2001 | LAU Lai Lai | The argument structure of fund-raising texts | Dr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ | |
2000 | LEE Chi Wai | Fund-raising texts: A discourse description of two appeal letters and two leaflets | Dr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ | |
1999 | LEE Suk Fun | A Study of the Discourse of Pamphlets | Prof. William LITTLEWOOD | |
1999 | HUI Ngo Sze | Genre Analysis of English and Chinese Interview Articles in “Quality & Management” | Prof. Bjorn JERNUDD | |
1999 | LEE Yik Fung | The Discourse of Advertisements in Hong Kong Magazines | Dr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ | |
1998 | LEUNG Hoi Yan | A genre analysis study of abstracts in journal research articles | Dr. Asha TICKOO | |
1998 | CHAN Shui Ling | A study of the written discourse of the Chinese advertisements in printed matters in Hong Kong | Dr. Asha TICKOO | |
1997 | LEUNG Yuen Pik | Genre analysis of tenancy agreements of a chain store in Hong Kong | Dr. Asha TICKOO | |
1997 | TANG Wai Kuen | An analysis of the genre of a standard listing documentation of a multinational accounting firm in Hong Kong | Prof. Mohsen GHADESSY | |
1996 | HO Mei Fung | A cross-cultural analysis of the organization of English and Chinese texts | Dr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ | |
1995 | SUM Kit Ming | A study of the discourse of advertisements: The Cantonese advertisements on television in Hong Kong | Dr. Gisela BRUCHE-SCHULZ | |
1995 | CHEUNG Ching Yi | A comparison of business correspondence writing conducted in two contexts: The classroom and the workplace | Prof. Bjorn JERNUDD | |