For Mainland Applicants
申请人需持有教育部认可的大学或大专院校的学士学位或同等学历证书。申请人需具备良好的英语听说读写能力,如其本科不是以英语为教学语言,则须至少取得至入学时两年内有效之以下成绩:雅思考试 (IELTS) 6.5分 或 托福考试 (TOEFL) 550分(试卷答题)/79分(网上答题)或 大学英语六级考试 (CET6) 500分。
完成本课程学业,将获得语言研究文学硕士学位(Master of Arts in Language Studies)。本学位所对应的中华人民共和国授予博士、硕士学位和培养研究生的学科专业为外国语言学与应用语言学(050211)及/或英语语言文学(050201)中的语言学方向,也是香港教育局承认的符合英语专业要求的高等学位(详情参见 https://www.edb.gov.hk/sc/teacher/qualification-training-development/qualification/language-proficiency-requirement/exemption.html)。
完成课程规划的科目,累积平均学分绩点(GPA)达到2.5分或以上的同学,将获颁授硕士学位证书。累积平均学分绩点为3.40 至3.66的学生,将获颁授良等荣誉硕士学位 (Merit)。累积平均学分绩点达到3.67或以上,且无科目成绩在B-或以下的学生,将获颁优等荣誉硕士学位 (Distinction)。
必修课 (15 学分)
LANG 7110语言学研究方法 Research Methodology (3 units)
LANG 7401语言学导论(I) Introduction to the Study of Language: Part I (3 units)
LANG 7402语言学导论(II) Introduction to the Study of Language: Part II (3 units)
LANG 7510语言与社会 Language in Society (3 units)
LANG 7610语篇分析 Discourse Analysis (3 units)
选修课 (12 学分)
LANG 7390 语言学专题研究 Special Topic in Language Studies (3 units)
LANG 7530 课程设计 Language Curriculum (3 units)
LANG 7550 英语作为世界语 English as a World Language (3 units)
LANG 7570 语言与教育 Language and Education (3 units)
LANG 7580 语言习得 Language Development (3 units)
LANG 7590 语篇分析专题研究 Advanced Topics in Discourse Studies (3 units)
LANG 7600 英汉语法比较研究 Comparative Studies of English and Chinese Grammar (3 units)
LANG 7630 语言教学中的语用学 Pragmatics in Language Learning and Teaching (3 units)
LANG 7640 现代英语语法 Grammar of Modern English (3 units)
LANG 7650 语言与性别研究高级课程 Advanced Seminar in Language and Gender (3 units)
LANG 7660 语言学与通识思维 Linguistics and Liberal Thinking (3 units)
LANG 7680 语言,政治,与身份 Language, Politics, and Identity (3 units)
LANG 7690 英语的发音体系 The Pronunciation of English (3 units)
LANG 7700 批判话语分析与公共政策建言Critical Discourse Analysis and Public Policy Engagement (3 units)
LANG 7710 音系里的声调Phonological Tone (3 units)
LANG 7720 第二语言发音教学法Second Language Pronunciation Pedagogy (3 units)
Dr. CHOR, Winnie O W
BA (Hons) (HKU), MPhil (HKU)
PhD (SydneyU)
Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
Dr. HE, Angela Xiaoxue
PhD (U. of Maryland)
Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
Dr. LI, Mingxing
BA, MA (Tianjin Normal U)
MPhil (CUHK), PhD (Kansas)
Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
Dr. LI, Ran
BA, MA (U. of Maryland)
PhD (Boston U.)
Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
Dr. LU, Dan Huai
Dip (Anhui), MA (Shanghai Int’l Stud), PhD (Alberta)
Honorary Associate / Part-time Lecturer, Language Centre
Dr. ROWLETT, Benedict
BA (Hons) (U of London), MSc (AstonU)
PhD (CityU HK)
Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
Dr. SHAO, Jing
BA (Beijing Normal U), MA (Peking U)
PhD (CityU HK)
Research Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
Prof. WEE, Lian Hee
BA (Hons) (Singapore), PhD (Rutgers)
Professor, Department of English Language and Literature
Dr. WONG, Janice W S
BA (Hons) (CUHK), MPhil (CUHK)
Senior Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature
Programme Director, MALS
报名热线:(852) 3411 5127